
Caribbean Coral Reefs

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Caribbean Coral Reefs

 Caribbean Coral Reef

First of all The Great Maya Reef gains the second place worlwide surpassed only by, the Great Australian Reef which is considered the world’s largest Caribbean coral Reef Barrier wich is awesome because is the principal atractive in mexico.

in addition, the reefs are a great tourist attraction, since these ecosystems represent one of the most beautiful marine landscapes of the planet, where it is possible to admire the underwater nature in its maximum splendor.

The Great Maya Caribbean Coral Reef

Caribbean Coral Reef


The great maya reef is inhabited for more than five hundred different types of fish

and sixty five different coral varieties.

A crucial factor for its development is that the sunlight reach the reef perfectly

which is possible thanks to its clear waters.

this wonderful natural site welcomes thousands of visitors.

from all over the world to admire its incredible beauty. 

Giving for excellence the ideal spots to snorkel or scuba dive

This natural wonders are CancunPunta MaromaPuerto MorelosPuerto Aventuras & Cozumel.

The ecological and social function of the Caribbean Coral Reef

Caribbean  Reef

Some of the benefits that the coral reefs bring to the people are:

Protection from coastal erosion factors

Touristic recreation services, allowing the development of activities such as diving in reefs.

Maintenance of the seas’ biodiversity.

The Caribbean Coral Reef of Puerto Morelos


However, due to overfishing, little-controlled tourism, as well as pollution, these formations have been threatened for years.

if this trend continues soon there will be none left.

thanks to the presence of organizations and people committed to research activities People in puerto Morelos have found ways to conserve nature.

as well as the encouragement of a sustainable usage of natural resources.

thanks to this activities we can enjoy of:

Clean Caribbean Coral Reef

Caribbean coral Reef

·  Chance to snorkel at the world’s second-largest barrier reef

·  Opportunity to observe the rich biodiversity of marine life

·  Plenty of species of exotic fish & colorful coral formations

in conclusion coral reefs are ecosystems that serve as “refuges” for an enormous marine biodiversity.

So as you see, the reefs are fragile but highly valuable systems, not only for our species and tourism, but for thousands of marine organisms.

which have found in them an ideal home to reproduce, so, the awareness of their importance, care and preservation, should be our priority.

Finally by this mean we pretend to highlight that in order to enjoy this ecosystems the @Caribbeandeals team invites you to be responsible with these ecosystems.

in addition we must give the same importance to all ecosysytems in the world.
#Caribbean coral Reef

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